
This is a beginner-friendly blog to help you build an online business.

Building a blog or website can be a daunting project, and yourOnlineNestEgg is dedicated to helping you with any and all challenges you will come across, whether it be social media or email marketing, SEO, or writing the posts themselves. 

Most Recent Articles

Aside from being unethical, plagiarism can be a costly shortcut if you consider the impact it can have on both your reputation and your website’s SEO. Google and other search engines have strict guidelines and very real …

Any decision that comes with a minimum 1-year commitment is likely to have us carefully weighing our pros and cons. Such is the case for most affordably priced hosting providers, among which Bluehost commands a notable level …

Decision-making starts from the moment you start creating a blog or online business. In fact, it’s safe to say that most never even get started—or at least put it off for longer than they should—because they never …

We’ve all at one point been on a website and noticed the Privacy Policy in the footer of the page. Although many have never really taken the time to read this page, if you decide to create …

Media-rich posts often tend to perform better in search results. They make our content easier to digest and create a better user experience (UX). Aside from uploading previously stored images, we can also choose to link or …

Most of us start a blog with the intention of monetizing it down the line, and there are numerous ways to accomplish this. The most common ways of earning money with a blog are with ads and …

Google uses several factors when determining how to rank a site. Domain authority and content quality are two well-known factors. Organic CTR (click-through rate) also plays a role in how well your site places on Google’s search …

Making money with Pinterest may be more attainable than you might think. Although the platform itself doesn’t pay you, it can be a powerful tool to earn money. There are many routes you can take to do …

Our Focus

content Marketing

Building your content library will allow you to put out the most helpful content possible. At the end of the day, helpful content is what will keep your readers coming back for more!

Social Media Marketing

While it may be tempting to get your site on as many social media platforms as possible, this may not be your best option. Identify the best platforms to reach your audience.

Email Marketing

Email marketing can improve your audience's rate of engagement. Create your email list ASAP! Reach out to the right people, at the right time, and with the content every time!

Recommended Tools

Recommended tools

Making a website or blog is FILLED with decisions to make. Here are the tools we can recommend.
What works for one may not for another, so we compare pros and cons from different tools so you can decide what's best for you.